Testing single POUs by using the test framework

The test framework of Neuron Power Engineer allows you to create and execute automated →unit tests unit tests for →POUs in Neuron Power Engineer. The test framework is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.

Advantages of the test framework

The test framework controls the execution of unit tests and compares the actual test outcomes with the predicted test outcomes. This means:

  • If you create a POU, you only have to create and execute the unit tests to confirm that the POU is working as expected.

  • If you modify the logic of this POU at a later date, it is sufficient to execute the unit tests to ensure that the modified POU is still working as expected.

Modified interface

If you modify the interface of the POU (hence: there are new, changed or deleted inputs or outputs), it is necessary to adapt the existing unit tests correspondingly.

Condition for using the test framework

You have already installed:

  1. the required license and

  2. the system library Standard (non-safe) with its system blocks

    If this library is not installed but you need to use the test framework, install the library as described under “Installing a library”. The project properties, group LibraryLibraries lists all system libraries with the text System under Library provider (see "List of libraries provided or installed for a project" for details on provided/installed libraries).

On using the test framework

This section informs about the necessary procedure.

Your question...

Start with this article...

How do I create/execute unit tests for a POU?

Testing a POU

Some dos and don'ts

The dos and don'ts when testing

How do I modify the Excel test suite?

Structure of the Excel test suite, modifying the worksheets

Where are the test data being displayed?

Changing the view onto the test data within the test log viewer

Test coverage displayed within the editor

Which restrictions are there?

Restrictions when using the test frameworks

Are there examples for tests?

Examples for tests